our programs

MA Repay offers student loan repayment to various health and human service professionals through multiple programs

Since 2022, the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (Mass League) and Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) have partnered to incentivize workforce retention through nine MA Repay Student Loan Repayment programs. Each program has unique eligibility requirements and supports a distinct subset of the healthcare workforce.

find your program

If you have been offered an award, you may find the MA Repay program name on your Awardee Contract. If you have applied and are awaiting an award decision, please contact us for help identifying which MA Repay program you applied to.

Future Updates

If you are an MA Repay applicant or participant, program updates will be provided via email from ma-repay@massleague.org.

To be notified about new MA Repay programs, sign up for email alerts and follow Mass League on social media.